I am sometimes accused of dwelling on the Old Testament; but we must remember that the first thirty-nine books of the Word are the foundation of the wonderful Gospel found in the New Testament. Because the Bible is a unit, despite its many books and transcribers (one author, many secretaries), the same patterns found in the Old Testament are found in the New Testament. Alphabetic designs, Torah designs and Menorah designs are all contained in the New Testament.

The Gospel of Mark is a good example. Mark is considered to be written to Gentiles and, therefore, one would not expect to find Old Testament patterns contained in this book. The first seven chapters of Mark form a Menorah design*. Jesus performed many healings in the first seven chapters, and then they cease. The compassion of Jesus caused Him to heal one other person in the next chapter, but He told him not to tell anyone. In the fourth chapter (Mark 4:21) we find the parable of the lamp, fulfilling the servant lamp position of the Menorah.

Torah designs form a pattern exhibited by the first five books of the Bible. The pattern repeats throughout the book; e.g. chapters 1+5= 6+5=11 or 2+5=7+5=12. The following are scripture references for Torah designs found in the Gospel of Mark:
Chapters -
1,6,11,16 - Genesis (the beginning, sin of man) - 1:1, 1:4, 6:6, 11:9-11, 16:1&ff
2,7,12 - Exodus (redemption, deliverance - 2:17, 7:29-30, 12:6-11
3,8,13 - Leviticus (sanctification, setting apart) - 3:14-19, 8:29, 13:20
4,9,14 - Numbers (wilderness, testing) - 4:1, 9:2, 14:32&ff
5,10,15 - Deuteronomy (summation, the kingdom) - 5:13, 10:14-15, 10:24-25, 15:21&ff
Interestingly, Mark 7:29-30 is about the deliverance of a Gentile. Mark 11:9-11 marks the beginning of the Passion Week. Mark 12:6-11 is about the Redeemer. In Mark 14:32 and following Jesus is alone in a spiritual wilderness. Mark 15:21 and following is the summation of the ministry of Jesus, the Crucifixion. Mark 16:1 and following is about the Resurrection, which is the beginning of hope for mankind.

In addition, there are Alphabetic designs in Mark based upon the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their meanings as determined by the Rabbis over the millennia. Some of the Alphabetic meanings are difficult to discern, but the obvious ones are as follows:
11th letter - Kaf (crowning accomplishment) - Mark 11:1-11; the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
12th letter - Lamed (teaching and learning) - Mark 12:28-31; the Greatest Commandment.
13th letter - Mem (revealed and concealed) - Mark 13; the Olivet Discourse where Jesus reveals what is to happen to the Temple and Jerusalem.
16th letter - Ayin (sight and insight) - Mark 16:4-14; count how many times the sight-related words see, saw, seen, appeared, looked and looking occur in these verses.

The Hand of God, His Signature, is found throughout His Word. May His Name be praised now and forever.

* The Menorah is the Lord’s golden lampstand as found in Exodus 25:31 and the servant lamp (in the center or fourth position) always refers to the Throne of God or Light or Fire (a form of light). Please see The Lord's Golden Lampstand

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