
In the time that Jesus walked on this earth, the Roman calendar was similar to ours today. It is known as the Julian calendar, after Julius Caesar. Today’s calendar is known as the Gregorian calendar, after Pope Gregory. The Julian calendar, although similar to today’s, has errors. For example the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, frequently fell on December 25th. Pagans have long celebrated this day as the rebirth of vegetation. They also celebrated the winter solstice as the birthday of Tammuz, the son of Nimrod and Semiramis.

So, the church celebrates the birth of Jesus on the pagan birthday of Tammuz, and utilizes an evergreen tree, a pagan symbol of Tammuz. The church has blended with the world.

As the people of the ancient world were dispersed from the Babylonian tower by the Lord, who caused their languages to change (Genesis 11:7-8), they carried their pagan traditions with them. But their gods were then known by different names according to their language; same god, different name. Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, was a fertility goddess and was also known as Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite, Diana, Venus, or Eostre (Easter), depending on the language spoken.

This fertility goddess is honored at the spring solstice with symbols of fertility; eggs, chicks and rabbits. Today, the church celebrates the resurrection of our Lord with Ishtar eggs, candy chicks and chocolate rabbits honoring a pagan goddess. The church has blended with the world.

The Greek word eucharistia (Strong’s G2169) is defined as thanksgiving, or being thankful. This word has become the ecclesiastical term used for the communion service, or the Lord’s Supper. It is called the Eucharist.

One church, in an effort to appeal to the world, declared a “Clown Eucharist.” The vicar of the church dressed as a clown and encouraged the parishioners to costume themselves likewise. Sadly, I am not joking. The church posted pictures of the “Clown Eucharist” on their website. The pictures have since been removed.

The Lord Jesus said, “As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me.” (First Corinthians 11:25) To celebrate the Lord’s Supper dressed as a clown is an abomination. It shows how far the church has descended.

Today, in an effort to appeal to the world, many churches have blended Christian hymns with “contemporary Christian music” which imitates soft-rock music, complete with the pagan drum back-beat. It is called (what else?) “a blended worship service.”

Since when is the Gospel not enough?

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