The Blood Covenant – Part Three

There are several instances of a Blood Covenant to be found in the Bible. Frequently, they do not include all of the nine steps because the concept was understood by the people of that culture. An example is the Blood Covenant between Abraham and Abimelech. (Genesis 21:22-34) This passage contains many facets of the covenant.

The provisions of the Blood Covenant extend beyond the death of a participant in the covenant. The covenant applies to members of the covenanter’s family, even those yet unborn, because they are in his body. An example of this is the covenant between Jonathan and David. (First Samuel 18:3-4)

In this passage, Jonathan gave David his robe, garments, girdle (belt), his sword and his bow. Although unstated, David probably did the same. Evidence of the Blood Covenant follows the death of Jonathan as recorded in 1 Samuel 31:2. It is the story of Mephibosheth.

King Saul had poisoned the minds of his family against David. The exception, of course, was Jonathan. When Saul and Jonathan died in battle, the family of Saul feared that David would kill them all to cement his position as king. Mephibosheth was five years old. In the panic of the moment, his nurse dropped him and both of his feet or ankles were injured and “he became lame.” Mephibosheth was taken to Lo’Debar, across the Jordan River in the territory of Manasseh. It is probable that he was in hiding there.

Years later, when David found out where Mephibosheth was staying, he sent chariots to retrieve him. As Mephibosheth approached David, he was probably expecting death because he fell on his face before King David. But David showed kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of his father, Jonathan. David restored all of the land of Saul, Jonathan’s father, to Mephibosheth. While the family of Mephibosheth was taken care of by servants in their own house, Mephibosheth lived with David and ate the king’s table continually. (2 Samuel 9:5-10)

This was all because of the Blood Covenant between Jonathan and David. Mephibosheth was treated as a son of David. Mephibosheth had done nothing to deserve this treatment. It was due to the covenant.

Does this sound familiar? As Christians, we have done nothing to deserve to be treated as sons and daughters of the Most High God. And yet we are sons and heirs, because of the Lord Jesus. (Galatians 4:4-7)

There is no retreating from the Blood Covenant. The participants cannot back out of the agreement. In my opinion, this answers the question of “Once in Grace, always in Grace?” As sons or daughters of the covenanter, even though he is dead, the children still are covered by the agreement. As sons and daughters of God, we are still covered by the Covenant. We may walk away, as did the Prodigal Son, but we are still covered by the Covenant.

Ultimately, the most important sacrifice is the blood sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, who shed His blood on the tree (Acts 5:30) as a step of confirmation of the greatest covenant of all. When we take part in the Lord’s Supper, we are memorializing the Blood Covenant with elements (bread and wine) that are even more long-lasting than a grove of trees. We can never thank the Lord enough, in quantity or quality. Praise His name, always!

Praise the Lord! He is Holy! He is righteous! He is merciful and gracious! The Lord deserves all honor, worship and praise – forever!

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