The New Temple

Ezekiel was a prophet. He correctly prophesied the destruction of Tyre, which is a fact historically proven. Tyre became a place where the fishermen spread their nets to dry. (Ezekiel 26:5) The test of a prophet is whether they are one-hundred percent accurate. If what they speak does not come true, they are not a prophet. (Deuteronomy 18:22) Ezekiel was a verified prophet.

Ezekiel also described a Temple to be built in the future. Because Ezekiel was a prophet of the Lord and because his prophecies were fulfilled literally, there is no reason to think that the future Temple will not be literally built.

There are some differences between this future Temple and the Tabernacle and Temple built by Solomon. The only furnishings noted are the Throne (Ezekiel 43:7) and the Altar of Sacrifice (Ezekiel 43:13). In the prophesied Temple there will be no Ark of the Covenant, no Brazen Lavers, no Golden Lampstand, no Table of Showbread, no Altar of Incense, and no gold embellishments are described. In fact, wood is used throughout this Temple.

The reason is simple; our Lord Jesus replaces these items. He is the New Covenant; we no longer need washing, because we are washed in the Blood of the Lamb; Jesus is the light of the world; He is the bread of Life; the incense representing the prayers of the Saints will no longer be needed, because Jesus will be with us. No golden embellishments are needed because what could be more grand or more impressive than the presence of our Lord Jesus?

There will be no wall separating the Outer Court from the Inner Court. No longer will women, and obviously Gentiles, be separated or excluded. “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation . . .” (Ephesians 2:14)

One major difference is the addition of a “room” that was not part of the Tabernacle, nor the Temple of Solomon. Immediately west of the courtyard around the Temple is a large building approximately 105 feet by 135 feet. This building is called a gizrah in Hebrew (Strong’s 1508). This word is only used eight times in the Old Testament; seven in Ezekiel chapters 41 and 42 (which are about the Millennial Temple), and once in Lamentations 4:7. The Lamentations reference is to Nazarites (those who had taken a vow, such as Samson) who were polished like sapphires.

In Matthew Jesus told three parables in which He referred to “outer darkness.” From the context it does not appear that He was referring to the punishment of Hell. It may be a “separate place.” The scape-goat which carried the sins of Israel was sent out to an uninhabited, separate place. (Leviticus 16:22) The Hebrew word for this place is gezerah (Strong’s 1509) which comes from the same root word as gizrah. It represents a separate, excluded place.

Chuck and Nan Missler in their book The Kingdom, Power and Glory, postulate that the gizrah in Ezekiel 41 is a picture of a place where our loving, patient, Heavenly Father will “polish” those were described in the parables of Jesus as being excluded to the “outer darkness.” This certainly fits the description of the Lord who “does not want anyone to perish.” (II Peter 3:9)

I look forward to the Day when Jesus will reign as Prince of Peace. May His name be praised forever.

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