Fingerprints of the Almighty Part Two
It was demonstrated in the last lesson how the Lord, the Most High God, showed completeness of a period of time or a cycle by the combination of two of His patterns found in His Word. The Torah Pattern of five repeats in many books of the Bible. The number seven consistently shows completion. By combining the five of the Torah pattern and the seven of completion, the Lord placed yet another fascinating design pattern in the Bible. Only the Lord, whose ways are so much higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), could achieve this amazing mixture of multiple designs throughout His Word and it still be coherent and correct.
Just as the seven notes of the musical scale complete a musical octave, with the next note beginning a new octave, the number eight shows us New Beginnings. Noah and his family, eight people, began the human race again after the Flood.
In the Torah Pattern, the fifth book is Deuteronomy which is a summary of Israels departure from Egypt and forty years in the Wilderness. This five of the Torah Pattern multiplied by eight, the number of New Beginnings gives us forty. The fortieth chapters of several books of the Bible show a distinct pattern of New Beginnings. Please read the following and be amazed!
- Genesis 40 Joseph interprets the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker in prison, setting up the circumstances of Joseph becoming viceroy of Egypt New Beginnings
- Exodus 40 the Tabernacle is set up and prepared for use New Beginnings
- II Samuel 9 (the two books of Samuel formerly were one) King David blessed Mephibosheth with the property of Saul (his grandfather) and Mephibosheth was to live in the palace with David New Beginnings
- II Kings 18 (the two books of Kings formerly were one) Hezekiah became king of Judah. There was no king who trusted God like Hezekiah, before or after (II Kings 18:5) New Beginnings
- II Chronicles 11 (the two books of Chronicles formerly were one) Reheboam fortified Judah against attacks from their former brothers in Israel New Beginnings
- Isaiah 40 Comfort for the people of God New Beginnings
- Jeremiah 40 Jeremiah was freed from prison by the Babylonians Israelites from neighboring countries returned and received abundant harvests New Beginnings
- Ezekiel 40 the Millennial Kingdom Temple described New Beginnings
- Nahum 2 (considering the twelve Messianic prophets as one book) Nineveh is prophesied to fall, representing the final fall of the End-Times Gentile nations of the world before the Millennium New Beginnings
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