Previously I have written of discoveries that raise serious questions about the age of our Earth. Examples previously mentioned are the discovery that the Sun is shrinking 1. At its current rate of reduction, if the universe were “billions and billions” of years old, the Sun would have been touching the Earth, which is an impossibility. Primordial Polonium 218 (also known as Radium F) has a half-life of three minutes. In twenty-one minutes the radioactivity of this element would be less than one percent of its original amount. And yet it is found in mica and flourite which indicates that the Polonium was formed at the same time as the host rock, and the creation of this combination could not have taken more than a few instants.

There are more indications that the approximate 6,000 years of human history according to the Bible is accurate and correct.

Uranium 236 and Thorium 230 were found in the rocks brought back from the Moon. These radioactive isotopes have a short life and become inert lead in a relatively short time. If the Moon were, for example, only 50,000 years old these elements would not have been found in the Moon rocks.

The Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth 2. This is called recession. At the current rate of recession, if the Moon was even 20,000 to 30,000 years old, at the time it was formed it would have been too close to the Earth and would have been pulled to Earth by our own gravity.

The strength of the magnetic field of the Earth is decreasing rapidly. It has been measured accurately over a period greater than a century and in 150 different countries. According to Science News 3, the Earth’s magnetic field will go to zero in 1,200 years. The Scientific American gives us 2,000 years 4. Based upon the rate of decline, one million years ago the Earth would have had more magnetism than all the objects in the universe and simply would have vaporized due to the energy involved. Based upon the rate of decline the Earth cannot be more than 7,000 years old.

In the Nineteenth Century Lord Kelvin noted that the rotation of the Earth was slowing. He gave this as one reason why the Earth cannot be very old. Modern science has determined that the rate of decrease is even greater than previously determined. At the current rate of decrease, if the Earth were “billions and billions” of years old, it would have ceased rotating by now.

The above evidence indicates that the Earth is not nearly as old as purported by those wishing to prove their favorite theory. The facts show that the Earth is not “billions and billions” of years old. In fact Bible scholars, through study of the Bible and related historic events have determined that human history began about 6,000 years ago. Much of the scientific evidence noted above confirms this dating.

The information in the Bible was given to us by the Creator of all things. It is true, accurate and correct. May His wonderful name be praised forever!


1 - “Sun is Shrinking,” Physics Today, September 1979

2 - Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ex Nihilo, September 1979

3 - “Magnetic Field Declining,” Science News, June 28, 1980

4 - Scientific American, December 1989

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