The menorah is the seven-branched lampstand designed by the Lord and given to Moses to build. Those who regularly receive these lessons know that there are many Menorah Designs throughout the Bible. Please see The Lord's Golden Lampstand.

The New Testament is composed of three nine-branch menorahs. The twenty-seven books of the New Testament are in three groups of nine. The first group of books is addressed to Jews, the second to Gentiles, and the third to Jews again. We see this nine-branch menorah, ironically, at the time of Hanukkah in December. This lamp is used by Jews, but during the Christian Church Age.

Normally, the center position, or Servant Lamp, of a Menorah Design refers to light, fire or the Throne of God. When you look at an entire book as the Servant Lamp, there will easily be found a reference to the Lord, His Throne, light or fire. However, in the first grouping of Matthew through Galatians there is a very significant and obvious Servant Lamp. The center is the Book of Acts. What more fitting Servant Lamp than the “tongues of flame” (Acts 2:3) that came to rest on the heads of the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost?

This nine-branch Menorah Design is confirmed by none other than the Lord Jesus in Matthew 5. This discourse, the first of five great discourses, occurred early in the ministry of Jesus. It begins with what are commonly called the Beatitudes. According to Webster a beatitude invokes “perfect blessedness or happiness.” This is the theme of the Beatitudes, and, there are nine of them.

Further confirmation of the nine-branch menorah design is found in the Book of Isaiah. You may ask how does an Old Testament book show us a New Testament pattern? Isaiah is divided by Bible scholars in two parts*. The first part, consisting of thirty-nine chapters and corresponding to the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament, is called the “Book of Judgement.” The second part corresponding to the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, has twenty-seven chapters and is called the “Book of Comfort.”

In Isaiah 40 (in the “New Testament” section) the Lord asks nine questions regarding His sovereignty. (Isaiah 40:12-14,25-28 and 41:2-4) Four chapters later, He makes nine statements about His sovereignty. (Isaiah 44:24-28) These nine questions and statements, the nine Beatitudes, the nine-branched Hanukkah Menorah and the division of the books of the New Testament into groups of nine seem to indicate a New Testament pattern. This is yet further evidence of the Hand of God in the assembling of the Word that we have been so blessed to receive. Praise His name!

* So distinct are the two parts that liberal theologians like to claim that the Book of Isaiah was written by two different people. Of course, the Bible refutes this heresy. John quotes from both parts of Isaiah and ascribes both to the prophet Isaiah. (John 12:37-40) You may choose who you wish to believe.

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