A chance remark by a Brother caused me to look at the appearance of the word “blood” in the Bible. What I found is astounding. The first seven statements of the Lord regarding blood tell the story of salvation. Here are the results of my study:

1 - Genesis 4:10-11 (This is the first appearance of the word “blood” in the Bible.) - in the story of Cain and Abel the Lord states, “You are under a curse.” This is the basic position of mankind. We are under the curse of sin.

2 - Genesis 9:4-6 - in the covenant with Noah the Lord declares, “I will demand an accounting.” There will be an accounting for our sin. (The word “blood” also appears several times in Genesis chapters 37 through 42. This is the story of Joseph and his brothers. But, there is no statement from the Lord in this passage. However, Reuben confirms the principle of an accounting for sin in Genesis 42:22.)

3 - Exodus 4:9 and 7:12-21 - here the Lord appears to Moses and instructs him on approaching Pharoah for the release of His people. The Lord tells Moses to strike the water of the Nile River and it will turn to blood. This was done as punishment for the hardness of Pharoah’s heart. The Lord also shows us that there will be punishment for sin.

4 - Exodus 12:7-23 - this passage contains the Lord’s instructions for the first Passover. An innocent lamb “without defect” was sacrificed so that its blood could protect the Children of Israel. Here, the Lord presents the principle of a substitute for our sin. Of course, it has been shown many times that Jesus is our Passover Lamb. He was the substitute for our much deserved punishment. Also, please note how this fourth, central position within the seven statements or principles conforms to the Servant Lamp of the Menorah. In a Menorah design, the Servant Lamp always refers to light or fire, the Lord or His throne. Jesus is the Servant Lamp.

5 - Exodus 22:2-3, 23:18, 24:6-8 - this is the giving of the Covenant to Moses, which was confirmed by the sprinkling of blood on the Children of Israel. In this passage the Lord presents the Law to mankind. Paul points out the imperfection of the Law in Galatians 3:10-14. Here the Lord shows us His Covenant with sinners.

6 - Exodus 29:12, 16, 20 - in this passage the sons of Aaron are consecrated, or set apart, as priests. These instructions from the Lord show us that as part of the Plan of Salvation, we who are sinners, are consecrated, set apart or sanctified.

7 - Exodus 30:10 - here the Lord gives instructions for the annual Feast of Atonement. According to Strong’s Concordance, the root meaning of the Hebrew for atonement means “to cover”. Our sins are covered, or hidden. Through Jesus we have atonement for our sins.

These seven statements from the Lord which include “blood” show that (1) we are under a curse, (2) there will be an accounting for our sin, (3) there will be punishment for our sin, (4) there is a substitute for our sin, (5) the Lord has a covenant with sinners, (6) through the substitute for our sins and the covenant from the Lord, we are set apart or consecrated, (7) the Lord has provided atonement for our sins - they are covered by the blood of Jesus and are visible no more.

In Hebrew, “blood” is spelled with a dalet and mem. (There are no vowels.) From our study of the Hebrew alphabet we know that the dalet indicates a doorway and the mem has the meaning of concealed and revealed. Therefore, “blood” in Hebrew shows us the doorway to the concealed and revealed. The wonderful mystery of the Love of God was concealed, but is now revealed to us through the blood of Jesus.

This amazing progression through the early chapters of God’s Word also shows us the fascinating complexity of the Word. There are so many layers to the Word. If you think you know the Bible, go back and look again! And praise His name, always.

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