We Christians tend to think that the term "The Rock" is used only in the New Testament and only by ourselves. We speak of Jesus being The Rock and the Rock of our salvation. We sing the hymn "Rock of Ages". In fact, this phrase is found twenty-six times in Old Testament portion of the New International Version (NIV) Bible.
Here are some of my favorites. "He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he." (Deuteronomy 32:4) "There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.". (I Samuel 2:2) "For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?" (Psalm 18:31) "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)
At the beginning of the journey when the Israelites left Egypt there came a time when all the people were thirsty and were complaining. The Lord told Moses that He would stand by the rock and Moses was to strike it with his staff. The Lord said, "Water will come out for the people to drink." (Exodus 17:6) The place where this occurred was known as Massah and Meribah, which means "testing" and "quarreling". This was because of the actions of the Children of Israel.
After many years of circuitous wandering the Israelites arrived at the same place, Massah and Meribah. And they needed water again. And they quarreled with Moses. This time the Lord instructed Moses to gather the assembly of people before the rock and speak to the rock. Moses was to petition, or appeal to, the rock. Instead, in his anger with the people, he struck the rock a second time. Water came forth, but this deed caused Moses not to be allowed to enter the Promised Land.(Numbers 20:12)
Why was the Lord so severe with Moses over this action? The reason is because Jesus is the Rock. The first time Moses was allowed to strike the rock for the salvation (from thirst) of the Children of Israel. At the first appearance of Jesus the Israelites were allowed to strike Jesus, and put Him to death. The second time Moses was to speak to the rock for the salvation of the people. After many years of wandering, the people found themselves right back where they started. At the second appearance of Jesus, a future event, the Israelites are to beseech, implore, petition and pray to the Rock. They will not strike Him. The Israelites, or Jews as we refer to them today, will find themselves right back where they started. This time they will speak to the Rock and He will bring them salvation.
Jesus is our Rock, our Hope and our Salvation.