God has many emotions, the primary one is love. God is Love (I John 4:8). He also is jealous (Exodus 20:5). He hates sin, but loves the sinner. Some obvious exhibitions of the emotions of God occurred at the greatest event to date in human history, the death of Jesus, the Son of God. The Resurrection of Jesus did not exhibit, on earth, the emotions as did the crucifixion. I am sure there was great joy in Heaven as Jesus was called home.
I stated that the death of Jesus was the greatest event to date in human history because it brought about the salvation of mankind. An even more momentous event is yet to come, when Jesus returns to claim the earth as His Kingdom and to rule as King of Kings.
The Gospel of John 18:2-9 describes events when Jesus and His Disciples were in the Garden after the Last Supper. Judas led a group of Roman soldiers to Jesus. These soldiers had been sent by the authorities to arrest a Jewish trouble-maker. This was done at the request of the Jewish leaders, the Sanhedrin. When the soldiers proceeded to take Jesus into custody the New International Version says "they drew back and fell to the ground". The King James Version says "they went back and fell to the ground".
Some have suggested that the soldiers knelt in the presence of the King of the universe. I do not understand why Roman soldiers, who were in Israel to subjugate the Jews, would kneel to a person they were about to arrest. I believe that they did not step back or draw back as suggested by the New International Version, but that they went back as stated by the King James Version. They went back because they were repelled by the supernatural force of Jesus as God. His human reaction at that moment was "you are not going to take me and kill me". This is natural, and human. But Jesus immediately gained control of His human side and the Godly side surrendered to the soldiers. Jesus the man knew what was to happen. Jesus, the Son of God, surrendered to the Will of the Father.
Later, the next day, as God in the form of man hung on the cross, the sky grew dark. Matthew 27:45-53 says there was darkness from Noon until 3:00 p.m. We assume that this was a solar eclipse. This is wrong. An eclipse only lasts for a few minutes, even in totality. This darkness lasted three hours.
I have heard it said that because Jesus represented sin, God turned His back on Him. Again, I disagree with this. I do not know a father who would not sacrifice himself rather than have his child killed. God the Father loves His Son just we love our sons. God simply could not watch while mankind, His Creation, killed His Son. God is light, the opposite of evil darkness. When, in His sadness, He turned away from the terrible, cruel event taking place just outside of Jerusalem, the light of the world disappeared.
We are created in the image of God. Just as we have emotions, so does our Heavenly Father. The story of the prodigal son, as told by Jesus, gives us a glimpse of the joy of the Father when His children return home. I look forward to the joy in Heaven when the Church is called home.