I usually write about interesting facts that I have found or scriptual discoveries about which I have read. However, I have come to realize that many Christians do not receive the blessings the Lord is willing to give because they do not apply a basic Bible principle to their lives.
As Believers we have no problem accepting the principle of receiving the results of certain actions. We accept that if you smoke enough, the result is emphysema or lung cancer. We accept that if you practice promiscuous sex, the result could be syphilis, gonorhea, or perhaps the HIV virus. We accept that if you murder someone, you probably are going to prison. This is, after all, a Biblical principle stated over and over. "God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7)
If we accept negative results of our actions, why then do we have a problem accepting the positive side of this Biblical principle? If we do kind deeds, they will be returned to us. If we give generously to others, we will receive generous blessings.
The same principle applies to churches as well as individuals. The church that looks outward to help missionaries, to start other churches, to help the "widows and orphans" will be richly blessed. This is a fact.
I will say no more, but let God's Word speak. Read the following passages, apply them to your life, and be blessed:
It is impossible to "out give" God.