Palestinian Statehood

President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority has petitioned the United Nations for statehood on Friday, September 23rd. The United Nations Rules of Procedure (Section XIV, Rule 136) indicate that the Security Council must recommend the applicant state for membership. The power of veto within the Security Council lies solely with its five permanent members, which includes the United States.

The United States has expressed its displeasure over the Palestinian statehood bid, and it may be assumed that the U.S. will veto the application. Considering the great push by the current and previous U.S. administrations to solve the “Palestinian issue,” one might wonder why would the U.S. veto the application?

In the September 14, 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouth-piece of the “establishment,” the reasons against the statehood bid are provided. According to the author, Robert M. Danin, “accession to the UN would undermine Palestinians’ moral and historical claims to being a stateless people, a status that has kept their plight at the top of the international agenda for decades.” Danin feels that the Palestinians currently hold the moral high ground. In the article a law professor from Oxford University argues that statehood would result in the Palestinian Authority controlling about forty percent of the West Bank and Israel and Hamas would control the remainder.

It is difficult to understand how the Palestinians, who indiscriminately lob rockets and mortars at schools and hospitals in Israel, and use suicide bombers, can claim the “moral high ground.”

Clearly, the “establishment,” or the “Quartet” (United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia), is against statehood. They would prefer that the Palestinians go back to the negotiating table with Israel. Mr. Danin says that once statehood is achieved the line between Israel and Palestine is fixed. Any disagreement then becomes just another border issue along with “scores around the world.”

This is the underlying reason for those who are against Palestinian statehood. Once statehood is achieved, the borders are fixed and all bets are off. They want more. If they continue to negotiate and pressure Israel, they will get the relinquishment of a right here, a piece of land there. They want to negotiate and pressure Israel into a situation where Israel cannot defend itself. Of course, it is difficult to negotiate when the Palestinians do not acknowledge the right of Israel to even exist.

One might wonder what the clamor over the tiny sliver of land that Israel occupies is all about. If you look at a map of the Middle East it is difficult to find little Israel compared to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, or even Jordan. Scripture gives us the reason.

For you have said in your heart: “I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.”
– Isaiah 14:13-14

Satan wants to control the Temple Mount, and be like the Most High God. Satan is a usurper. The various geopolitical entities striving against Israel are Satan’s tools. One day, perhaps soon, the anti-Christ will sit in the Holy Place and declare himself to be God. (II Thessalonians 2:4) Then Satan will get his wish.

But it won’t last long. I have read the end of the Book. Jesus will defeat Satan and his forces, and Jesus will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. May His wonderful name be praised forever!

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