Satan and the Holy Mountain

Have you ever wondered why there is so much fuss, hatred and even threats of war over the City of Jerusalem? This is not just an Arab thing. The United Nations is also involved. Jerusalem is not considered to be the oldest inhabited city; that is Damascus. Jerusalem is not situated on a wide river or a beautiful lake. Jerusalem is not the capital of a large and mighty nation with many great natural resources.

The occult United Nations (please click HERE), which is trying to usurp the legitimate control of Jerusalem, has its headquarters on a hill of Jerusalem traditionally known as “The Hill of Evil Counsel.” Of all the atrocities committed in the world each year, few are condemned by the United Nations. Only Israel, attempting to defend itself from rockets and other attacks, is condemned by the UN.

In 1517, the same year that Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation, the Ottoman Empire took control of the land we know as Israel. The Turkish Ottomans attempted to settle Israel with farmers, but were unsuccessful. Nothing would grow due to lack of rain. If there was rain, then locusts came and destroyed the crops.

In 1867 the author Mark Twain visited the Holy Land. He described it as “desolate” and ‘god-forsaken.” The Dome of the Rock, located on the traditional Temple Mount, is known for its golden dome. In 1867 the Dome of the Rock was not as important. It was covered with lead.

Since early in the Twentieth Century the Arab nations have claimed that Israel never existed, that Jerusalem was never a Jewish city, and that the traditional Temple Mount never was the site of any Jewish temple. The publicly stated desire of the Arabs is to annihilate all Jews and take over Israel, fulfilling Psalm 83:4.

What is the importance of Jerusalem? It is where the Lord chose to place His name. (First Kings 8:29) So, the answer may be found in the five statements of Satan, the usurper, as recorded in Isaiah 14:12-15. (author’s emphasis)

Satan is the prince, or ruler, of this world (John 14:29-31), and he wants Jerusalem. He wants to take God’s place. In the future, the person we call the anti-Christ will step into the Temple and declare himself to be God. (Second Thessalonians 2:3-4) This “person” will receive his power and authority from Satan (Revelation 13:2) and will be Satan’s representative. All this will be the result of Satan’s desire to usurp God.

But the Most High God will have the victory! May His name be praised forever and ever!

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