II - Current Events

The evil, Mystery Babylon that rules the world as described in the Revelation, consists of three parts. If you study the Revelation chapter 18, you can see this division. The three sets of “woes” in this chapter are against Commercial, Political and Spiritual Babylon.

During the Jewish Fall Feasts of 2008, about the end of September, the entire world experienced a great commercial and/or financial disaster. Many economists have stated that the world was at the brink of financial collapse. It is very possible that this reflects the first woe against Commercial Babylon.

In the Fall of 2009, during the Fall Feasts, the makings of a political disaster began forming. In late September, at the meeting of the United Nations, the announcement was made of the discovery of another Iranian nuclear processing site. This site is not big enough to produce fuel for an electric generating plant, but is just right for producing nuclear fuel for a bomb or warhead. Immediately after this announcement, Iran test fired several multi-stage missiles large enough to carry a nuclear warhead to Israel and beyond. The Saudis and other countries are also concerned.

The United Nations (U.N.) and later the United States, France and Russia met with Iran to discuss processing Iranian nuclear fuel in another country, such as Russia. The United States president said that Iran must comply or face the consequences. Iran has refused and the U.N. and the United States have done nothing.

In the meantime, Israel seized a ship loaded with armaments which they documented were provided by Iran for the use of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah. Israel has provided the documentation that Iran is violating U.N. resolutions, but the U.N. has done nothing.

We are currently watching the possibility of a political disaster, and the second woe against Political Babylon. And Iran and the Shiite Muslims are at the center.

III - Daniel’s Chronology of the End Times

The prophet Daniel provides us with possibly the best chronology of End Time prophecy. The Revelation is so complex and multi-layered it is difficult to determine the actual sequence of events. Daniel chapter 11 is a clear chronology of End Times. Like so much of Old Testament prophecy, this chapter deals with prophecy fulfilled in the near term when it was written, and it also prophesies events that will occur in the long term or in the End Times.

Although all of Daniel 11 may prophesy End Time events, beginning with verse 21 the End Time chronology is easier to determine. Daniel chapter 11 describes the actions of the king of the North and the king of the South. Verse 21 describes the king of the North and speaks of a vile, contemptible person, who is not royalty. He will invade “the kingdom” (Israel) when its people feel secure. (First Thessalonians 5:3) In verse 28 the king of the North takes action against the Holy Covenant. He invades the South but Western naval forces oppose him, so he turns and vents his anger against Israel. His armies set up what Daniel (11:31) and Jesus (Matthew 24:15) call “the abomination that causes desolation.” This appears to be the mid-point of the Tribulation. (Daniel 9:27) The king of the North will then continue to do as he pleases until the “time of wrath,” or Tribulation, is completed. (verse 36)

Part of understanding Daniel chapter 11 is identifying the characters. The king of the North appears to be the person Christians know as the Anti-Christ. The land by the Euphrates River, part of the region of Shiite influence, is described as the “Land of the North” in Jeremiah 46:10.

When Daniel refers to the king of the South, the Hebrew word used is negeb or negev (Strong’s 5045). This word means desert or parched, and is applied to regions in the south. The desert in the south of Israel is the Negev. When Daniel speaks of the king of the South he is referring to the desert lands; Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and possibly the African desert countries of Libya and Algeria.

Gentile countries are frequently called in the Old Testament“the coastlands” or “the isles.” When Daniel prophesies about the Western coastlands, he is referring to Europe, the United States, and Western allies.

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