Flying saucers are a phenomenon largely of the Twentieth, and now, Twenty-first Century. Many people have seen unexplained or unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. As a teenager, I saw some points of light in the sky that were stationery and which then zoomed across the night sky like a meteor. I do not know what they were. I do know they were not airplanes or helicopters.
This phenomenon goes further than UFOs or points of light. Many claim to have seen these craft at a short distance or even to have been taken aboard a flying saucer and to have seen the small occupants. Those who claim to have been aboard these craft unanimously describe strange medical tests and samples, almost always involving genetics and reproductive organs. It is theorized that these events are demonic in nature. Those who have specialized in the study of victims of these medical tests and probes note that the victims are almost always “unchurched”. This is a nice way of saying that they are not Believers. They are not protected from assault by evil spirits as are Christians.
Remember the scripture in Genesis 6:2 and 6:4. The sons of God (fallen angels or demons) took the daughters of men as wives and they bore the children of these fallen angels. These children were the demigods of old; the larger-than-life people we consider to be myths. This may be the reason why all of mankind was destroyed in the Flood. If we are in the Last Days, the Satanic forces may be making one last attempt at creating more supermen.
In an earlier lesson we discussed how Satan was one of the Cherubim around the Throne of God (see Ezekiel 28:12-17) and how he may have been the guardian of the saurus, or reptilian, kingdom. After all, Satan is described in the Bible as a dragon. Some “scientists” in an attempt to see what man would look like if he had evolved from dinosaurs, or reptiles, rather than monkeys (their opinion, not mine) created a man-like statue. The creature they imagined looks remarkably like what we have come to know as an “alien”. This reptilian image has the same large head, large, dark eyes and small jaw-line as the “aliens”. And it is probably green. (The photograph I saw was black and white.)
Some persons feel that our “flying saucers” are a modern equivalent of the dragons of old, which may have been of Satanic origin. We feel we are technologically superior to those who lived in the olden days, so we do not believe in dragons. But we do believe in flying saucers. The ability of these craft to make ninety-degree turns at high speed and to disappear at will indicates that they are from another plane of reality. They may be from the spiritual plane. If they are from the spiritual plane, they and their actions do not glorify the Lord, therefore they must be of Satan. Those are the only two choices.
UFOs have been particularly active since 1947, about the time Israel became a state. It is fifty-four years later and we still do not know what they are. The idea that they are of a demonic nature makes as much sense as anything else that has been proposed. Praise the Lord for his moment by moment protection over those who love and honor Him.