The Unexpected
Answers in Genesis has published a list of seven Biblical events which are seen as steps toward the completion of the Lord’s great Plan. This plan began when Satan rebelled against the Lord before there was ever a physical world (Ezekiel 28:15). The list is a pastor’s alliterative dream, each point beginning with a “C.”
- Creation
- Corruption
- Catastrophe
- Confusion
- Christ
- Cross
- Consummation
While the list is an overview of the Lord’s Plan, there are two facets revealed in each step.
- Each Biblical event, each step toward the completion of the Plan, was caused by rebellion against the Lord.
- Each step is heralded by an unexpected action, something that had never happened before.
We all expect things to continue as they always have. We do not anticipate something that has never occurred before. This same mindset is also probably true of Satan and the rebellious angels that follow him.
Here are the unexpected events:
- Creation – it is very possible that the Lord created the physical world because of the rebellion of Satan. There was only the spiritual world in which the Lord and His servants, the angels, lived. The physical world in which we live was unexpectd.
- Corruption – when Adam and Eve sinned, the Lord was not surprised. He had a plan which included Salvation for the human beings He created. In the spiritual world there is no salvation for rebelling against God. Salvation was unexpectd.
- Catastrophe – when the Lord cleansed the earth of rebellious, evil men and their evil works, He caused it to rain for forty days and forty nights. Before the Great Flood it had never rained before. Rain was unexpectd.
- Confusion – when mankind failed to go forth and populate the earth (Genesis 9:1), but rather gathered in the plain of Shinar to rebel against God, the Lord caused different family groups to speak different languages. The natural reaction to this was for each group to go forth and gather together in separate areas, thus fulfilling the commandment of the Lord. Separate languages was unexpectd.
- Christ – the birth of the Lord Jesus in human form, God in the form of man, was due to the unabated rebellion of man against the Lord. It was totally unexpected.
- Cross – when Adam and Eve sinned, which is rebellion, the principle of blood sacrifice as a result of sin was established. The animals that provided the skins to clothe Adam and Eve were sacrificed. Their blood was poured out. At the Cross, the astounding concept of God in the form of man being sacrificed had never been done before. The sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection was unexpectd.
- Consummation – the Lord announced the concept of a new heaven and new earth long ago in Isaiah 66:22, and repeated it in the Revelation 21:1. Perhaps, this being the seventh event, it represents completion which the Lord pre-announced. The wonderful, perfect, unblemished New Heaven and New Earth will be glorious to the praise of the Lord!
The Most High God, our Heavenly Father, deserves all honor and praise. Praise His name always!
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