Hebrew Wordplay

As most of you know, the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. The five Books of Moses were in Hebrew and, according to Jewish tradition, were dictated to Moses by the Lord not word-by-word, but letter-by-letter. Greek is an old language, but the Hebrew culture is much older than the Greek. I suspect that the Greek alphabet was derived from the Hebrew. For example the first four letters of Greek are: alpha, beta, gamma, delta. The first four letters of Hebrew are: aleph, beit (pronounced bait), gimel, dalet. You can see the similarities.

It is unfortunate that most of us, including me, cannot read the Bible in the original language. The names of people and places have meaning in Hebrew, which would assist us in greater understanding of the Scripture.

The Lord also inserted alliteration, puns and other wordplay in Scripture. Again, if we could read in Hebrew, the Word of God would be just that much more delightful to regard. The Book of Micah contains such wordplay. The following are phrases taken from Micah 1:10-15. I have given the Scripture, followed by the interpretation. The definitions are from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and Gesenius’s Lexicon.

The Hebrew form of Jesus is Jeshua, which means salvation. If you read the Prophet Isaiah substituting Jesus for salvation and knowing that Jesus is our Salvation, a whole new understanding comes to this passage. An example follows:

Surely God is my Jesus (salvation); I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my Jesus (salvation).
With joy you will draw water from the wells of Jesus (salvation).
- Isaiah 12:2-3

Praise the Lord for Jesus, who gives us living water. (John 4:10 & 7:38)

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