There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, plus seven letters that have a "final form" when they appear at the end of a word. This is necessary because in Old Testament Hebrew, there were no spaces between the words. The following is list of the letters and their meanings as determined by Jewish rabbis and scholars over hundreds of years:
- ALEPH – God as Creator and King
- BEIT – House and Temple
- GIMEL – Loving kindness and culmination
- DALET – The door; the way or path
- HAY – The breath of God; grace
- VAV – Completion and redemption
- ZAYIN – Sustenance and struggle; affliction
- CHET – Transcendence, life and grace
- TET – Serpent and objective good
- YOD – Creation and metaphysical
- KAF – Crowning accomplishment
- LAMED – Teaching and learning
- MEM – Water, revealed and concealed
- NUN – Faithfulness, soul and emergence
- SAMECH – Support and Divine presence
- AYIN – Sight and insight
- PEH – Mouth and speech
- TZADDI – Righteousness and humility
- KOPH – Holiness and growth cycles
- RESH – The wicked
- SHIN – Divine power and provision
- TAV – Truth and perfection; judgement
- Final KAF (11)
- Final MEM (13)
- Final NUN (14)
- Final PEH (17)
- Final TZADDI (22)
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