The Alphabetic Book of Daniel

The Hebrew alphabet is composed of twenty-two letters. Because there are no Hebrew numbers, the letters have numeric values, much like Roman numerals. The Hebrew letters also have meanings attached to them. This is evidenced by Psalm 119 which is alphabetic. For more information please click HERE.

The twelve chapters of the Book of Daniel have alphabetic meanings. Some are more obvious than others.

Chapter 1 – Aleph, God as Creator and King. God gave Daniel and his three friends knowledge and understanding (verse 17) and they were found to be ten times better than all the others.

Chapter 2 – Beit, House and Temple. When Daniel interpreted the king’s dream, he told of the Kingdom of God which will never be destroyed (verse 44). The Lord’s Temple will be the center of this kingdom.

Chapter 3 – Gimel, Loving kindness and culmination. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walked out of the fiery furnace, they were unharmed (verses 26-27). This displayed God’s loving kindness. Also, this event seems to be the culmination of their part in the Book of Daniel, for they are not mentioned again.

Chapter 4 – Dalet, the way or path. After King Nebuchadnezzar’s time of insanity he raised his eyes to Heaven and praised the Lord. (verse 34) This is the way or path to sanity and blessing.

Chapter 5 – Hay, grace. King Belshazzar showed total disdain for the Lord, and when the meaning of what the hand wrote on the wall, he did not repent. That night his life was required of him. (verse 30) This is the opposite of grace. This chapter shows anti-grace.

Chapter 6 – Vav, Completion and redemption. When Daniel was falsely accused by his jealous subordinates, he was completely redeemed by the Lord while in the lion’s den. (verses 21-22)

Chapter 7 – Zayin, Sustenance and struggle; affliction. Daniel received a disturbing vision about coming kingdoms that would afflict Israel. But Daniel is shown that after the struggle, the everlasting kingdom of the Lord would prevail.

Chapter 8 – Chet, Transcendence, life and grace. In another vision, Daniel is shown the time of wrath and a king who would be powerful, but not by his own power. (verse 24) This king will be defeated, but not by human hand. (verse 25) This demonstrates the Lord’s transcendent grace.

Chapter 9 – Tet, Serpent and objective good. In this chapter Daniel prayed for the Lord’s merciful action toward fallen Israel. He was shown that bad things would occur, but for a good result (objective good). As in chapters seven and eight, the Lord will be victorious!

Chapter 10 – Yod, Creation and metaphysical. The yod is the first letter of the Lord’s name, Jahweh or Jehovah, and is an abbreviation of that name. In this chapter Daniel was visited by a “certain man,” a metaphysical being. The description of this man (verses 5-6) appears to be the same as in the Revelation 1:13-15, which man was the Lord Jesus.

Chapter 11 – Kaf, Crowning accomplishment. The prophecy given to Daniel in this chapter is so accurate of following events that weak minded, unbelieving Christians claim that it was written after the fact. But that is not the crowning accomplishment. In addition to describing historic events in the centuries before the birth of the Lord Jesus, this chapter also describes the coming events of the Last Days. This chapter describes the efforts and defeat of the person empowered by the Devil (Daniel 8:24), and therefore, the defeat of the Devil. The events of this chapter are the crowning accomplishment of the Lord’s great plan from before the Creation of the earth.

Chapter 12 – Lamed, Teaching and learning. In this chapter we are given information, we are taught regarding the End Times and how the foregoing prophecies lead up to those times.

It is a small thing for the Creator of all things to place simple designs and patterns in His Holy Word. They are there to bless us and encourage us.

It is interesting that Daniel, who was given so many End Time prophecies, is described as being “beloved” (Daniel 10:11, 10:19), just as the Apostle John, who was given the End Time prophecy of the Revelation, is described as “beloved” (John 19:26, 20:2).

Praise the Lord for loving us enough to send the Lord Jesus to save us! Praise Him always!

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